Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Morning Madness

I SUCK in the mornings! What is wrong with me?
While I hit snooze, T gets up and makes us fresh juice from our juicer, I stay in bed. I finally get in the shower, dry my hair, do my makeup and get out of the house without enough time to make breakfast. I leave the house right at 8 or a little after, getting to work at 8:10. I'm at work with no coffee and no breakfast.
This is stupid! We are talking about a 15 minute difference in planning!

What I should do is pick out clothes and set up the coffee/breakfast the night before.
And, here's a genius idea...
Get up when the alarm goes off!

This is going to sound weird, but I think that T's level of responsibility makes me less responsible. Here's my theory... I have always been the more organized, well planned, driven person in my relationships. Then I met T. He is a total busy-body. He is on time, organized, planned out and efficient. He gets stuff done and is very productive. These are traits I always thought were strong in myself, but his level of "togetherness" makes me seem like a slacker! In our relationship, I am the spontaneous, free-spirit procrastinator! At first I was insecure about this, but now I just realize that we are different people. Just because he is very very organized and productive does not mean that I am not. It is also nice to have a partner who is not lazy. He cooks, cleans, and gets stuff done, and it feels really good to share these tasks with someone. I could get into a long talk about this, but I am going to stick with how this relates to getting up on time.
Because T is so on top of things, he would never sleep past his alarm and never be late to work, so in my subconscious, I rely on him to make sure I am not late! So now, instead of setting my alarm and telling myself that if I don't get out of bed I am going to be late, I just wait for his alarm, and for him to get up, and for him to say "Babe, it's time to get up" before I do anything. This is SO silly! I feel like I am depending on him to be on-time to work. When I was a teacher I had to be there at 7:30 or 7:45 every day. Students were in my room and the bell rang, so I could not be late. During this time, I woke up every morning at my alarm (before T). I had breakfast and coffee before I left, because not eating is not an option as a teacher! I need to get back in this habit!!!

Today was the epitome of my morning disasters! T got out of bed and I stayed in, just petting our dog and laying there. I knew how late it was getting, but didn't seem to care. Then he said "We will never be able to car pool together if you don't wake up on time." He's 120% right! We work at the same place, so in theory, we should be able to carpool, right?! But I do my hair and makeup so it takes me a little longer in the morning, meaning that if we are going to ride together, I need to get up BEFORE him! So I get up and get in the shower. Take 20 minutes in the shower (which is SO long!) I am not a long shower person! Meanwhile he makes us some veggie-fruit juice and drops it off on the bathroom counter. I get out of the shower and there is no hot water left for T! Now I am really feeling bad!
He leaves for work. I finish getting ready, grab a Luna bar and leave the house at 7:58.
This needs to stop!

Maybe for a week I should sleep in a separate room and pretend my husband won't be there to save me! That would be a wake up call!


  1. PS this post was not at 7:40 am, I think my time stamp is messed up. If the post were at 7:40, I clearly would have a DIFFERENT problem in the morngings!

  2. i enjoyed reading this. it made me :) thanks for sharing. i know you will figure out how to feel good about your AM routine!
