Monday, November 30, 2009

Giving Thanks

I've believe that expressing gratitude is one of the best ways to improve how you feel about your life, or at least that is what I have heard. Every once in a while, when I see extreme poverty or someone with a serious disability or life struggle it becomes very clear just how fortunate I am. My goal is to feel this fortunate every day, without the prompt of seeing someone who has it way worse.

I can quickly come up with a list of things I am thankful for, you know, the obvious things. Health, family, my dog, my husband. While I am deeply thankful for those things, I want to try and express genuine thanks for these and other things in my life rather than blurting out a standard list out of habit. This goes beyond just knowing that I am lucky to have these things, but to imagine if I didn't....I could lose all of my family in a tragic accident, lose my own health, weigh 300 lbs, or need to be on welfare. Thinking of life in those terms makes me feel sheepish when I complain about a idiotic driver, trip to the post office or my love handles.

Here is what I am thankful for:
  • The flexibility of my job and the pay. I think it is important for me to put this first right now, because it is easy to take things for granted, especially in today's job market.
  • The friends I've made over the last two years. T and I have a handful of really great couples that we just LOVE hanging out with! We have gone out of our way to make new friends in this small town over the past couple years.
  • The amazing mountain biking right outside our front door, and the progress I have made in my first year on my mountain bike.
  • The consciousness that emanates from nearly everyone who lives here; to be healthy, get outdoors and most of all, enjoy life!
  • That my parents are fun to be around. While all families have their quirks, I am very thankful that an evening with them is not worse than pulling teeth. I have come to realize this is not the case with many people and their parents.
  • The time I had on this earth with my brother. A beautiful soul who I can thank for teaching me many valuable lessons. Just thinking of his laugh makes my heart expand.
  • Our beautiful September wedding in Telluride. It was nicer than I ever dreamed of! And our wedding photography is top notch. I am so thankful we had great documentation of our day.
  • My pretty face and body, which I am always reluctant to be thankful for, but I need to give myself a little more credit. I get frustrated about 5 pesky lbs, I am thankful it's not 50, and quite frankly it's completely in my control, so if I really needed to lose 5 lbs, I could.
  • The opportunities I have had to travel. Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Prague, Budapest, Sweden, Mexico, Canada, Hawaii, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Costa Rica... this list isn't even complete and I know this is only be the beginning of it :)
  • My hilarious Boston Terrier Izzy. With so much personality, her cute smooshed face, and an insane amount of intelligence, I swear she was made for us!
  • My physical abilities. While I'm no Olympic athlete and my vision is crappy, even with contacts, I am able to practice yoga, snowboard, ride my bike, watch movies, smell fresh flowers and talk to friends. Spending 23 years watching someone get cheated from having physical abilities made me realize what a gift they are.
  • My college education, and the fact that I am still paying for it, which I truly believe has given me more character.
  • The amount of responsibility, whether it's familial or financial, that has humbled me and taught be to be self sufficient.
  • The amount of self awareness and personal growth I have experienced in the last year. This connection with myself will only continue to grow because of what I know now.
  • My beautiful tattoo. That I am very excited to be adding onto in a couple of weeks!!

That's all for now, but I hope there are many more of these lists to come.

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