Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our New Hizzle...

Needs some work, fo' shizzle! But we are super excited!

It's our first house (paid for with entirely our own money, oh yeah and a little help from Fannie Mae!)
It's our first remodel project (aka marriage test!)
It's Izzy's first yard!

Spacious garage for 2 cars and 5 bikes and a washer/dryer
1970's seafoam green. My personal fave color!

Original tile work in the bathroom. Yummy.

Nice big yard. Perfect for a 16 lb Boston Terror-er

Our "great room" and my handsome hairy husband taking measurements

"Hand over the chocolate and no one gets hurt" is apprently so important to the previous owners that they inlaid this into the backsplash.

Nature Trail Run

T gently reminded me this morning when the alarm went off that I planned to work out. Oh. Right.
But I am super glad he did, and even more glad I took the time for myself to do this. It started my day off right!

Here's my morning jaunt on the nature trail up to the college. Snuck this one in before the rain and snow. Yes... I said SNOW. FML!

Map My Run!

Here's a little jaunt that my friend K and I did last week. It didn't feel as far as it is, which is why I like this website so much!!!

I've been (thankfully) working out almost every day for the past week and a half. It feels so good to be back into a routine of working out. It seems so hard to start back up again once I've stopped, which is why I am glad I am finally back on the program. This morning I decided to take a run up the nature trail and then do P90x Ab Ripper! I am going to try and do Ab Ribber 2-3 times a week and see if I can notice any results. Ab workouts have never really shown me visible results in the past, but I think it's because I've never really watched what I ate. Since I eat pretty healthy anyway, I've always let myself eat pretty much whatever I want when I am training hard for something, which is probably why I've never lost weight while training for races. When I was training for my Xterra last spring, I didn't lose a pound, even after the 3 hour a day workouts! I'm a firm believer that getting ripped abs (if it's even humanly possible for me) takes more than just the workouts. It's very diet related as well. Which brings me to my goal: Lose 6 lbs by May 14th. Yes, that's two weeks away, I know. My reward: Other than losing 6lbs? Spending $250 on new clothes! Yay! I realize that $250 doesn't get you too far in the clothing world, but for me this is huge, becuase I haven't been spending any money on clothes since we are buying a house... in 3 days!

Anyway, here's what I am doing:
No red meat
No beer or cockatils (red wine only)

Lots of veggies
Lots of water
Good whole grains (spelt, kamut, barley, quinoa)

Trying to do something active every day.
Well.... we'll see how it goes, won't we?
New clothes here I come!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Unemployment Babble

*It's April 27, 2010. I just found this unfinished post and decided to publish it. I am embracing a less than perfect blog :)

I had all of these intentions of posting to my blog regularly while I haven't been working. I thought I would have a lot more time than I actually do, but honestly I can't hide behind the "time" excuse. I think it's interesting how quickly I hide behind the excuse of being too busy to do something, when in actuality I just can't seem to find the motivation. People everywhere have their plates full, and I often wonder how they manage to fit it all in, or I feel envious about how many different things they have going on. I think the answer to the time equation is passion. If you are passionate about what you are doing in life, you will make time for it, or so the theory goes. I guess after the past two days, I am ready to be a little more introspective of this whole experience, and I am finally making the time to sit with my thoughts.

Since I decided to quit my job, about 3 weeks ago, I've experienced a roller coaster of emotions. First I was pissed, then nervous, followed by liberated, excited and optimistic, and more recently I've been frustrated, defeated and confused. While I still feel I made the right choice, and have overall excitement about my future, the past two days have been discouraging.

First off, the local newspaper postings in this town is a joke. I am a college grad with 6 years of professional experience out of college and yesterday I applied for a job that if offering $13-15 per hour depending on experience, WTF?!?!? After I submitted my resume yesterday, to a place I clearly did not want to work, I felt like I had lost sight of why I quit in the first place. I am trying to take a step in the right direction, not digress 6 years on the professional totem pole.

I guess my biggest problem is that I don't know what exactly I want to be doing at this moment. Unfortunately my last scenario was draining me physically and emotionally to the point where I couldn't even consider doing anything else. For many personal and professional reasons (which I am happy to share in another, much longer post) I knew it was time for me to leave... immediately. I've never just drifted out into the world without a plan, in fact, every job I've ever had has always overlapped with another, leaving me with zero time in between. Since I've found myself recently unemployed and looking for my next step, I am trying to determine which direction to go....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Things, they are a changin'

I can't say what yet, but I can say that I am very excited for the decision I have made to free myself from a current situation that is causing me much emotional and physical stress.

I am proud I have taken this leap of faith and stood up for myself and moral standards. I trust it will all work out....

I just had to share my excitement with someone other than my wonderful husband who has supported me every step of the way.

This is going to be good....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thank you, Computer Geeks

Just learned this while working on a large mail merge, all of which was originally typed in CAPS.
I tried formatting the font but it wasn't working. This formula worked like a charm, and now my letters don't look like this.


Thanks to those computer geeks who post these kind of tips on their blogs!

Change the Case of Text in Cells in Microsoft Excel

There are several methods for doing this; we'll provide them all.

Using Formulas

Our formulas assume you have your data beginning in Cell A1 and you'll copy down. This is the easiest way for people who need to do it quickly and seldom.